I totally got to meet three cast members from Reno 911 today
They were on campus promoting their new movie. But they were in character
It was so fantastic! I also got to see a screening of the movie- and the cast did a Q&A afterwards- It was SO FUNNY!
I really needed that- a good solid two hours of laughing and not thinking about school/relationships/work....
My brother arrives on Saturday. I can't wait to see him....More to look forward to! Wooooooo..

I totally got to meet three cast members from Reno 911 today

I really needed that- a good solid two hours of laughing and not thinking about school/relationships/work....
My brother arrives on Saturday. I can't wait to see him....More to look forward to! Wooooooo..

i'm so jealous.
It was nice to finally meet you! Your show was awesome, we had a great time. The only thing I would have changed about it was the guy sitting behind me. I wanted to strangle him.