I feel like I've been running full stop for the past two weeks and I can't stop.
RAing, Vagina Monologues, Peer Advising, School and NOW are taking over my life.
Don't get me wrong- All of these things are incredibly exciting and fun...I just don't have time to breathe.
And I'm far too confused by women these days. What I think is flirting isn't..And women I don't think have any interest in me do. I feel like im attracted to completely unattainable people- They're all either straight, out of my leauge, or in a relationship.
I think I'm going to take the action through inaction approach. Hopefully someone will "happen" to me.
And I'm really sick and tired of people who seem to be able to get with whoever they want to get with. How the fuck do they do it? GRAWR.
Oh. And if you're skinny, stop telling me how fat you are and how badly you need to go to the gym. No. SERIOUSLY. Stop it.
In other news, I make a badass dyke:

RAing, Vagina Monologues, Peer Advising, School and NOW are taking over my life.
Don't get me wrong- All of these things are incredibly exciting and fun...I just don't have time to breathe.
And I'm far too confused by women these days. What I think is flirting isn't..And women I don't think have any interest in me do. I feel like im attracted to completely unattainable people- They're all either straight, out of my leauge, or in a relationship.
I think I'm going to take the action through inaction approach. Hopefully someone will "happen" to me.
And I'm really sick and tired of people who seem to be able to get with whoever they want to get with. How the fuck do they do it? GRAWR.
Oh. And if you're skinny, stop telling me how fat you are and how badly you need to go to the gym. No. SERIOUSLY. Stop it.
In other news, I make a badass dyke:

sounds like my thoughts exactly!

That picture rocks, badass dyke indeed. Don't worry about the ladies, they'll come around. You need to turn 21 so we can take you to the rose when you're home.