I was feeling like shit, now I'm not.
I had waaaaay too much fun on Wednesday night. Let's just say five lesbians + strip poker + booze = fun. TO THE DEMOCRATS!
Friday night was a fun trip into the city to see a fantastic, beautiful woman sing and play the cello. It was kick ass.
Saturday i had Vagina Monolouge practice. I didn't forget my monolouge, either. What a relief.
Saturday night i went to Cloyne for the Pirate Party. I had waaaaaaay too much fun. Drank too much with too little in my stomach so got WAY drunk WAY fast. But it was all good cause the party was fantastic.
Work was tough today. Tired and hung over.
But its ok, cause i had fun. For the first time in a while.
I was feeling like shit, now I'm not.
I had waaaaay too much fun on Wednesday night. Let's just say five lesbians + strip poker + booze = fun. TO THE DEMOCRATS!
Friday night was a fun trip into the city to see a fantastic, beautiful woman sing and play the cello. It was kick ass.
Saturday i had Vagina Monolouge practice. I didn't forget my monolouge, either. What a relief.
Saturday night i went to Cloyne for the Pirate Party. I had waaaaaaay too much fun. Drank too much with too little in my stomach so got WAY drunk WAY fast. But it was all good cause the party was fantastic.
Work was tough today. Tired and hung over.
But its ok, cause i had fun. For the first time in a while.
even if imnot a lesbian so id be left out of all the fun stuff
i want to see a cellist and a concert pianist someday.