hey guys been without net for awile... other than that nothing new to report here
so i picked up the game bioshock the other night.... ITS INSANE... I LOVE IT... if any of you gamers out there are looking for a good game... GET IT!
second night over nights... and its awsome no one bothers me i get my stuff done... listen to my zune and leave... i think this is gonna work well
sunday i start my new job.. ill be working overnights at sams as a overnight merchandizer.. ittle be dif. but i guess its full time.. and that i really need.. not to mention the hours match the ones i keep already so i should work out just fine...
i went to see transformers tonight... ITS SO INSANEL... I LOVE IT... if u havnt seen it u should... and the same goes for live free or die hard... but then agin i grew up watching the diehard movies... so its only naturual i like it
hey guys sorry i havnt been on much... works keeping me tied up... and if im not at work i always seem to have some BS to deal with... oh and ive finaly made the jump to ultamite nerdom... a budy of mine talked me into doing the warhammer 40k with him, so im building a chaos army lol.
OK ... for those of you that dont know... wayne staic IS GOD.... that man radiates pure fuckin AWESOME... and FUCKING ROCKS live.... and keep watch for a band called 2cents....they will see a rise to the top soon.... it was like he shot me with a fucking shotgun of PURE KICK ASS... The Static-x pit made slipknots pit look like a pussy fest! if...
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I am the stone that the builder refused
I am the visual, the inspiration
That made Lady Sing the Blues...
I'm the spark that makes your idea bright
The same spark that lights the dark
So that you can know your left from your right...
I am the ballot in the box, the bullet in the gun
The innerglow that lets you know
To call...
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I am the visual, the inspiration
That made Lady Sing the Blues...
I'm the spark that makes your idea bright
The same spark that lights the dark
So that you can know your left from your right...
I am the ballot in the box, the bullet in the gun
The innerglow that lets you know
To call...
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