Wells, Sorry guys, My comp exploded, so, I wont be on much
BUT, If you guys want to talk with me, feel free to call me, Im sure you have my number, if not, Hyperboy does
As for Bike Week, Gimme a call if you want to go, Juan and I are going sometime between march 8th and when it ends. Im bored out of my mind and want to do something....if only we had an SG party every Friday...That would be nice...
Megacon is coming up!! Cant wait to see you all there, Ill bring my cell phone so you can see me, and I will be Dark Chii instead of I-no because....I suck and dont have time to make anything
Im such a lazy ass....i was supposed to take and submit my set awhile ago, i just dont have any time x.x I found a theme though! Cant wait to actually take the pictures, I still need someone to help me with makeup! if you would like to volunteer, gimme a call or.....e-mail me or something..

Megacon is coming up!! Cant wait to see you all there, Ill bring my cell phone so you can see me, and I will be Dark Chii instead of I-no because....I suck and dont have time to make anything

Im such a lazy ass....i was supposed to take and submit my set awhile ago, i just dont have any time x.x I found a theme though! Cant wait to actually take the pictures, I still need someone to help me with makeup! if you would like to volunteer, gimme a call or.....e-mail me or something..

Geesh, we can't take not having you around lol.
i know your comp crashed just wanted to say hello since i'll be meeting you this weekend