Well, Valentines Day, i got something for Juan, it was rather cute, And, He worked yesterday from 8am to 11pm, so, he didnt get me anything. It is now Tuesday, He has been working since 8 am, and He was supposed to be home at least by 5. So, now, i sit here, alone, waiting for him to come home, He has my cell phone and my car, so, i am basically stranded until he comes back home. i was supposed to go out to dinner with Amanda at 6, but, obviously, that isnt happening since he decided to forget I exist. I have top vent somewhere, so, I decided to vent here. I am pretty upset, I was hoping to have a nice dinner, because its such a beautiful night, I wonder iof he is getting me something,though, I doubt it. I bet he is downtown doing our friend, elisha a favor in downtown orlando, he told me earlier topday that he had to, well, not had to, i guess he wanted to. So, Im sad
sitting here alone...waiting....


not to much i can say, sorry for the
day. hang in their.

I ended up getting really mad at him, then he was all like "Im sorry" And got me a Dimmu Borgir CD and took me out to dinner, Yay ^_^