here I am checking my e-mail this morning and I get something in the inbox. This mail was from the Suicide Girls saying someone has paid for me to have my membership back. WEIRD! ..... now I wonder who the hell it was.

Anyways, Im back and its good to be back.... been checking out gorgous ladies all day which is exactly what a single...
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That's happened to a lot of people. I think SG did it to get some old members back into the fold (I'm sure some will stay registered even after the gift sub ends). Of course, it's completely possible I am way off base. tongue
My band played a show in Springfield MO last friday and let me tell ya, we totally rocked the fucken house. We even put the first act to shame, and had a few hottie come up to us wanting us to sign their tits! Since my name is Bob, I just used the gals nipples as the "O" ooo aaa The blunder for the night was pretty...
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Thanks for the friendship and sorry about your guitar..
Ive officially have been a member for a few days now and all I can say is that I love you girls! Now to bring you people up to date about with whats going on with me, Ive just got a new dog yesterday. She's a 2 month old Pug and shes so freakin' cute but Im having a hard time naming her. Does anybody...
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Horns UP!! LUH!! <3