Trip to Salem, MA 2009
After several failed attempts at sleep throughout the day Wednesday we finally rolled out about 3 am and drove through the night to our first stop, the Lizzie Borden house in Fall River, MA. I did all the driving once again this year, the drive was pretty good actually. Lack of sleep was surprisingly not a problem and even more amazing we hit no traffic going through NY, not even on the George Washington Bridge. Took us about 5 hours to make it up there.
The house was pretty cool, complete with a tour and pretty cool tour guide. The gift shop was high priced but I'm a tourist and got sucked in for some swag. While on the tour it was brought to our attention that the grave yard where the family is wasn't too far away, Jim and Nick wanted to check it out so we drove over there.
After that we headed about another hour out to the "largest Halloween store" in the world. To tell you the truth I was under whelmed. It was only a bit bigger than your average Halloween store, but we all bought some pretty sweet masks while there.
We left that place, had 4 failed attempts at trying to find a record store around so we just rolled out, and found a hotel for the night about a half hour down the road.
In the morning it was off to Salem, the hotel we booked already showed signs of being lame because they wouldn't let us check in when we got there so we went down town parked and soaked up the awesomeness of Halloween town.
Saturday we hit all the expensive stuff and bought tickets for all the cool stuff tomorrow. We hit up Salem Beer Works, best food in town, and amazingly awesome beer, I bought a growler to go. While there ran into some other people from Baltimore thanks to my Natty Boh hoodie. We hit the record exchange where over $100 was dropped. Attempted to go to Gallows Hill but was informed it was nothing but houses now.
Then maybe the most amazing part of the day happened. We're standing there doing nothing, theres a group of kids next to us, one punches his friend in the dick, it was hilarious. Me and Nick saw it but Jim missed it. So we pulled $3 together and Jim walked over and asked if he would punch his friend in the dick for $3. Acting quickly as a sellout the kid just asks "which one" then lays into his friend's crotch like it's a title fight. Hilariousness incuses again, a few min later the kids wanted to get a picture with Jim.
Later that night we went and hit up Newbury comics where over $100 was dropped once again. Went to our hotel, it turned out to be super mega lame.
Sunday we check out of the hotel early because we decided it was too lame to stay there another night and headed back in town to Salem. We went to the military shop, bought $4 sailor hats and wore them all day, they instantly paid off. We got shout outs all day from everybody. At one point in the day 2 buses pulled up in front of us, and a ton of Asian girls got off, I thought I had gotten hit by a car died and went to heaven for a minute. Later that day the religious people showed up, they're some of my favorites, just yell on mega phones about how we're going to hell because we like Halloween, its great. We also knocked out a lot of cool shit in Salem we do every year. Witch dungeon museum, the Witch museum, the Pirate Museum, Cry Innocent (A live show of a witch trial), all of which is mega awesome. As it got darker more and more people came into town, the super craziness was getting closer. At some point we walked 2 miles outside town to a cemetery. Meant some more people from Baltimore. Finally after 12 hours of the greatness of Halloween we rolled out, the traffic is fucking insane as always, while waiting trying to get over we hear
"Hey, what part of Maryland you from?"
"Cool me too, Go Ravens! I got a Ravens tattoo on my face, go ahead and get in front of me."
Reppin from Baltimore pays off, Baltimore rules, and that guy really did have a Ravens face tattoo, holy shit.
We found a new hotel, watched Halloween 3 - A good year once again.
After several failed attempts at sleep throughout the day Wednesday we finally rolled out about 3 am and drove through the night to our first stop, the Lizzie Borden house in Fall River, MA. I did all the driving once again this year, the drive was pretty good actually. Lack of sleep was surprisingly not a problem and even more amazing we hit no traffic going through NY, not even on the George Washington Bridge. Took us about 5 hours to make it up there.
The house was pretty cool, complete with a tour and pretty cool tour guide. The gift shop was high priced but I'm a tourist and got sucked in for some swag. While on the tour it was brought to our attention that the grave yard where the family is wasn't too far away, Jim and Nick wanted to check it out so we drove over there.
After that we headed about another hour out to the "largest Halloween store" in the world. To tell you the truth I was under whelmed. It was only a bit bigger than your average Halloween store, but we all bought some pretty sweet masks while there.
We left that place, had 4 failed attempts at trying to find a record store around so we just rolled out, and found a hotel for the night about a half hour down the road.
In the morning it was off to Salem, the hotel we booked already showed signs of being lame because they wouldn't let us check in when we got there so we went down town parked and soaked up the awesomeness of Halloween town.
Saturday we hit all the expensive stuff and bought tickets for all the cool stuff tomorrow. We hit up Salem Beer Works, best food in town, and amazingly awesome beer, I bought a growler to go. While there ran into some other people from Baltimore thanks to my Natty Boh hoodie. We hit the record exchange where over $100 was dropped. Attempted to go to Gallows Hill but was informed it was nothing but houses now.
Then maybe the most amazing part of the day happened. We're standing there doing nothing, theres a group of kids next to us, one punches his friend in the dick, it was hilarious. Me and Nick saw it but Jim missed it. So we pulled $3 together and Jim walked over and asked if he would punch his friend in the dick for $3. Acting quickly as a sellout the kid just asks "which one" then lays into his friend's crotch like it's a title fight. Hilariousness incuses again, a few min later the kids wanted to get a picture with Jim.
Later that night we went and hit up Newbury comics where over $100 was dropped once again. Went to our hotel, it turned out to be super mega lame.
Sunday we check out of the hotel early because we decided it was too lame to stay there another night and headed back in town to Salem. We went to the military shop, bought $4 sailor hats and wore them all day, they instantly paid off. We got shout outs all day from everybody. At one point in the day 2 buses pulled up in front of us, and a ton of Asian girls got off, I thought I had gotten hit by a car died and went to heaven for a minute. Later that day the religious people showed up, they're some of my favorites, just yell on mega phones about how we're going to hell because we like Halloween, its great. We also knocked out a lot of cool shit in Salem we do every year. Witch dungeon museum, the Witch museum, the Pirate Museum, Cry Innocent (A live show of a witch trial), all of which is mega awesome. As it got darker more and more people came into town, the super craziness was getting closer. At some point we walked 2 miles outside town to a cemetery. Meant some more people from Baltimore. Finally after 12 hours of the greatness of Halloween we rolled out, the traffic is fucking insane as always, while waiting trying to get over we hear
"Hey, what part of Maryland you from?"
"Cool me too, Go Ravens! I got a Ravens tattoo on my face, go ahead and get in front of me."
Reppin from Baltimore pays off, Baltimore rules, and that guy really did have a Ravens face tattoo, holy shit.
We found a new hotel, watched Halloween 3 - A good year once again.
Im so tempted to eat your cookies!
naw, if i could just post songs on the page i would not have to use youtube at all, but i can't so its a means to a end
. besides if i just posted the name of songs people would be like "WTF?" so i would rather let them hear the songs. metalbeard-0 , KD0083- 1