So this morning I woke up, late for work, to an Ergs' less word. And it sucks.
But before that let me backup a bit, first a disclaimer. A few other things have happened of note sense last time I posted up on here, mostly because I don't post very ofter but this is going to be entirely dedicated to the Ergs last (best) show, because they're the fucking Ergs. Also I realize most of the stuff I post up here is about going to shows, well shows rule and I only post about the super awesome ones. Besides no one wants to hear about my mundane ass life here's yesterday I guess.....
I have my awesome day off setup because Saturday is the last Ergs show and I work Saturday so I quickly secured a day off. Too bad for me when I wake up I'm apparently super sick and spend the next 2 and a half hours throwing up. It even crossed my mind a couple of times not to go to the show (and if you have any idea how much I like the Ergs, then you know how fucking sick I was). But I maned up and decided to go, I figure worse case scenario I die and it's my last show too. The Thing was on TV, that awesomeness killed some time while waiting for people to get off work and meet up. Originally we had 10 people going, at this point I had 3 extra tickets which were quickly spoken for on the poppunk message board. We head out to pick up my friend Jim, Jim's there but Shiane (whom was also suppose to go) is no where in site, nobody knows where she's at, and was well informed we were leaving about an hour before the current time. So now we've got an extra ticket. So we roll down there for the 3 hour drive and we're missing two of my friends that were going to meet us down there. I still haven't talked to them sense last night because neither one of the jerks answered their phone. So unless they got attacked by a bear or something, they would be jerks - not just because they no showed and didn't let anybody know and just ignored us but they had 3 tickets (including their own) which basically means they screwed 3 people of seeing the sold out, one time only, last time ever show...jerks. So me, my friends Jim, Nick and my cousin Kim went to the show. I got rid of the 3 extra tickets I had with me (the other 3 still MIA). blahblahblah it was raining and such, we got in blahblahblah onto the show. The show was at Asbury Lanes (yes a bowling alley) and from what I hear sold out at about 350 people. We basically just sat around and saved up energy for the first two bands (and me trying not to die). Lemuria played first, pretty good set, my second time seeing them, audio seemed a little off. Hunchback played after that, it was their last show too. Then the Ergs went. There were so many people, it was so hot I actually passed out for about 2 seconds during the second song. Luckily there were so many people packed around me I just kinda moved with the crowd. They bused out some raritys. Stinking of Whiskey Blues, 1000 Letters, Ben Kweller, and a couple of other older tunes. Jim got kneed in the nose, bled everywhere, I got kicked in the head, elbowed in the eye, almost had a hanging speaker fall on me and my Orioles hat is now long gone. Fun times. It was about as awesomely crazy as the last Maryland show. Ended with a 25 minute version of Upstairs/Downstairs during which they dismantled all their equipment (sadly no encore (that I'm aware of)). And that was it, no more Ergs
It looked like the show was being filmed so hopefully there's a DVD release or something. We all came out of there soaked with sweat and beer, which made it that much colder and miserable once we got outside. This morning I wake up after a couple hours sleep, sore and beat, turn off my alarm, go back to sleep figuring being an hour late to work isn't so bad.
And it's never going to be the same again
And I'm not sure if that's a good thing

But before that let me backup a bit, first a disclaimer. A few other things have happened of note sense last time I posted up on here, mostly because I don't post very ofter but this is going to be entirely dedicated to the Ergs last (best) show, because they're the fucking Ergs. Also I realize most of the stuff I post up here is about going to shows, well shows rule and I only post about the super awesome ones. Besides no one wants to hear about my mundane ass life here's yesterday I guess.....
I have my awesome day off setup because Saturday is the last Ergs show and I work Saturday so I quickly secured a day off. Too bad for me when I wake up I'm apparently super sick and spend the next 2 and a half hours throwing up. It even crossed my mind a couple of times not to go to the show (and if you have any idea how much I like the Ergs, then you know how fucking sick I was). But I maned up and decided to go, I figure worse case scenario I die and it's my last show too. The Thing was on TV, that awesomeness killed some time while waiting for people to get off work and meet up. Originally we had 10 people going, at this point I had 3 extra tickets which were quickly spoken for on the poppunk message board. We head out to pick up my friend Jim, Jim's there but Shiane (whom was also suppose to go) is no where in site, nobody knows where she's at, and was well informed we were leaving about an hour before the current time. So now we've got an extra ticket. So we roll down there for the 3 hour drive and we're missing two of my friends that were going to meet us down there. I still haven't talked to them sense last night because neither one of the jerks answered their phone. So unless they got attacked by a bear or something, they would be jerks - not just because they no showed and didn't let anybody know and just ignored us but they had 3 tickets (including their own) which basically means they screwed 3 people of seeing the sold out, one time only, last time ever show...jerks. So me, my friends Jim, Nick and my cousin Kim went to the show. I got rid of the 3 extra tickets I had with me (the other 3 still MIA). blahblahblah it was raining and such, we got in blahblahblah onto the show. The show was at Asbury Lanes (yes a bowling alley) and from what I hear sold out at about 350 people. We basically just sat around and saved up energy for the first two bands (and me trying not to die). Lemuria played first, pretty good set, my second time seeing them, audio seemed a little off. Hunchback played after that, it was their last show too. Then the Ergs went. There were so many people, it was so hot I actually passed out for about 2 seconds during the second song. Luckily there were so many people packed around me I just kinda moved with the crowd. They bused out some raritys. Stinking of Whiskey Blues, 1000 Letters, Ben Kweller, and a couple of other older tunes. Jim got kneed in the nose, bled everywhere, I got kicked in the head, elbowed in the eye, almost had a hanging speaker fall on me and my Orioles hat is now long gone. Fun times. It was about as awesomely crazy as the last Maryland show. Ended with a 25 minute version of Upstairs/Downstairs during which they dismantled all their equipment (sadly no encore (that I'm aware of)). And that was it, no more Ergs

And it's never going to be the same again
And I'm not sure if that's a good thing

you need to post more!!!
a world with no ERGS. lets not speak of it anymore