Ok now I guess I'm going to try to recap an amazingly awesome week. 4 shows in 4 days, I'm beat now. The week started out not so awesome by work, boo, but what you gonna do about that? Moving on past that came Wednesday. The Talking Head Club (which is apparently the back room of sonar now)(which actually turned out to be not half bad) Sick Sick Birds, The Ergs!, Beat Union, and The Loved Ones. We left after The Ergs!, but from what I hear so did almost everyone else. Sick Sick Birds put on a really good show, they need to put out a full album so I can buy it. The Ergs! were of course awesome. They always bring a great time with them, damn shame they're breaking up. I only got a couple more times left to see them, if anybody gets the chance they should catch one of their shows while you can. Plus during The Ergs! set there was this cutie by me singing along to some Ergs and drinking Yuengling - basically my dream girl. I tried to find her after the set but she'd disappeared
On the plus side I did pick up The Ergs! 'Hindsight is 20/20, My Friend' CD which was a must. Thursday also ruled, Me, Lazerninja and 2 other buddy's of ours went over to Ram's Head (which I'm not a big fan of) for Valient Thorr and MOTORHEAD! Two bands canceled but one of them was the Misfits so it wasn't so bad. I have no interest in seeing that sorry excuse for the misfits, the Jerry Only band. Another band jumped on to cover a spot and year long disaster played so the early goings weren't so great. Then Valient Thorr took the stage for awesomeness. With their songs that if they were written in this time period would be about video games but its not so its about pinball machines but its really about the change in your pocket going jing-aling-aling. And trying to find who defaced the trash can of Toto! VT put on a totally amazing show, these guys should be headlining their own tours instead of being the supporting act of every one their on. (Motorhead tour not included). Then the man, the myth, the legend Lemmy Kilmister came on stage with the amazingness known as Motorhead! And that was a fucking amazing set. They are Motorhead and they play Rock n Roll! They had a sweet mix of a set list pulling from different albums and according to Mr. Kilmister Baltimore was the loudest crowd (beating out el paso), which was double confirmed the next night when Philly wasn't up to the challenge of beating out Bmore. They did 2 of my favorite Motorhead songs back to back - Going to Brazil and Killed by Death, which was a fucking awesome highlight for me. They closed out the night with an encore of Whorehouse Blues, Ace of Spades and Inferno (a sweet extended version). It was such a great show when we got back Me and Lazerninja immediately bought tickets for the next night in Philly. That was also an amazing show. Before it we found the super sweet pizza shop up there and devoured a delicious pizza. We showed up late on purpose to miss the first 2 acts, which kinda worked. We still had to sit through some of year long disaster's set but oh well. Valient Thorr once again put on a great show, he was still stuck on the conversely of Toto's trash can, it was pretty humorous. Motorhead once again tore it up. Same set, great set. During Killed by Death Thorr came on stage playing the broom. Some of the best broom playing I've ever seen too. After the show we were guided to the car quickly so getting back wasn't a problem, what a wonderful guide it was too. Saturday it was Me, Lazerninja, KD0083 and another friend went back up to Philly for a sweet, super packed ROH show. It did not disappoint. We showed up early and caught a Velocity Pro event which was pretty decent. The ROH show had the first cage match I've ever seen, twas brutal. All in all a great week, but now I'm back and going to work again... Next week Japanoodle Fever Tour at the Ottobar with Peelander-Z and TsuShiMaMiRe it shall be fun. And Celebrated Summer Records second, second anniversary show - THE ERGS! LAST SHOW IN MARYLAND BEFORE THEY BREAK UP. Come out, have fun, both will be tons of fun!

noodletour was awesome!!!!!!
got to be true to myself