Well I haven't posted up on here in ages, but now I got some postin to do I guess. Today I got some super bad news that has bummed me out to no end and has ruined my month. One of my favorite bands - The Ergs - are apparently breaking up
Luckily they're finishing up the tour their on so I get to see them in towson till at Celebrated Summer's 2nd, 2nd anniversary show (that wasn't a typo, there are/were 2 shows this year). Also on some of the good news they've got a new 7" coming out in the fall and a final show in NJ that I guess they're shooting for mid-November, which I will be attending. I donno, there's a ton of other stuff that's been going on. I've been working a lot too, but all of that is null compared to this shitty news.... Well they had a good run, hopefully they change their minds.. http://www.myspace.com/theergs

Dude motorhead, Roh and peelander are coming up really soon and fun times shall be had. And skull splitters is now one of my fave ales now.