Ok so Friday was amazingness I got to see the greatest band of all time, for somehow, the 4th time. Incase you haven't figured it out Iron Maiden was whom I had the pleasure of seeing. A short 3 hour drive to NJ was well worth it. A friend of mine had a pretty sweet GPS system that guided us up there, we got there with little problems. The way up was some good times cept when we passed the place, but that was fixed without too many problems. I guess at this point if your seeing Maiden on this tour and don't want to know the set list (I'm one of those people that likes to be surprised) you should prob not read this section.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Steve Harris' daughter, Lauren Harris opened up for Maiden, not exactly my thing but she's not bad. And I'd marry her in a second. She was only on for 20 min or so, then it was time for the main event. First they had like a video montage of them on the tour so far while Transylvania played. Then the Churchill Speech started and they went into Aces High, at which point you smelled the weed in the arena. After that they did some 2 Minutes to Midnight, Revelations, and The Trooper. After that some more fucking awesomeness as they went into Wasted Years, then they followed that up with Number of the Beast, and Run to the Hills. Then the moment that basically completed my life, by playing my favorite Iron Maiden song of all time as they played Rime Of The Ancient Mariner, followed by of course Powerslave. Then one that they surprised me with fucking Heaven Can Wait, how awesome is that? After that some more unexpected sweetness with Can I Play With Madness! Then we got Fear of the Dark followed by Iron Maiden. That was it for their set, but the sweetness wasn't over, because their encore blew my mine. They kicked it off with Moonchild. Can you believe that? Fucking Moonchild! Then my personal favorite song off of 7th Son, The Clairvoyant!! And how do you top off any sweet Iron Maiden set? By closing with Hallowed Be Thy Name of course.
And that was Iron Maiden. While there they announced they'd be coming back with more dates, one of which being Merriweather in MD, which I hope to be attending, they also said they'd be changing up their set for those extra dates which is pretty cool.
Saturday I got to go to work which was pretty lame. But Sunday I took the day off to hit up ROH wrestling in Philly, for their 6th PPV taping. It was a pretty sweet card, topped off with one of the best main even matches I've ever seen with Nigel Mcguinness vs Tyler Black.
Then came last night, Monday. After a terribly shitty day at work I had to come home and complete a bet I had lost. Lets not get into details, fact is I lost a bad bet and now have to drink a 6 pack of the worst beer ever made, Red Stripe. Well I only got through 3 of the 6 before my friend lost interest in laughing at me drinking them. And I threw up and went to bed - without even getting the pleasure of having so much as even getting a buzz off of those shitty things. This morning I wake up with a pounding headache and still throwing up. End up going in to work 5 hours late, still throwing up once I get there. I just finished the last 3 so thats all 6 and that finishes my end of the bet. Most likely be sick as hell tomorrow. I plan on booking a flight to Jamaica and burning down the Red Stripe plant as a service to mankind, that or force them to print on the label "WARNING: NOT SAFE FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION"