Fun times were had Sunday. I got to get out of work early (after going in early so I didn't lose quite as many hours). Got home and got to watch a little bit of football before heading to my favorite record store, Celebrated Summer Records, where The Ergs were playing an acoustic set there for free, which was way cool. After that it was back home for some more football because there was time to kill. Then out again to the Ottobar for what was most likely the best pop-punk show I've been to sense the last time The Queers came to town. Ramrod opened up, they were really good. Then in a move which still confuses me The Ergs played (second instead of 3rd, baffling indeed) and they played a great set. Its the first time I think I've ever seen an encore demanded from a band that played 2nd at a show - and they brought that encore with a cover of ZZ Top's "Tush" which was really unexpected. 3rd for the night was the Leftovers who put on a pretty good set. Then the Queers played. And they brought the fun as they always seem to do. It was the shortest set I've ever seen them play (seen them 4 times), but apparently Joe was sick. But thats ok because they brought along the original Queers singer Wimpy who did almost half the set which was pretty cool.
All in all - a pretty super sweet night.
All in all - a pretty super sweet night.
Indeed it was a fun night we had the only downside was that Green Bay lost and it was insanely fucking cold outside. But dude The Queers got Beat off is an amazing album and The ergs new album is awesome also.