Salem 2010
Just got back from Salem again (4th time). It was a blast as always. The only bummer was we couldn't get any Salem Beer Works beer to take home because it was a Sunday - SUPER LAME! Went up there with 3 of my buddies, one being Lazerninja. Ran into Fire up there but only for like five minutes. Fun was had,...
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Just got back from Salem again (4th time). It was a blast as always. The only bummer was we couldn't get any Salem Beer Works beer to take home because it was a Sunday - SUPER LAME! Went up there with 3 of my buddies, one being Lazerninja. Ran into Fire up there but only for like five minutes. Fun was had,...
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ew, while superman is in the spotlight doing nothing , cap is the real power behind the scene hence the old cap shield in the background
yes i am... AT YOU!!!!!!!

Things I did tonight:
-Went to the Insubordination Fest Pre-Show, where I saw the Quarantines, Firecrackers and the Proteens.
-Watched the return of FUTURAMA (the 2 new episodes ruled!)
-Watched the new episode of Penn & Teller (Martial Arts, it was ok)
-Watched the new(ish) Sinbad standup (it ruled)
-Signed up for a tumblr (follow, it'll get less boring)
-Posted a review for I...
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-Went to the Insubordination Fest Pre-Show, where I saw the Quarantines, Firecrackers and the Proteens.
-Watched the return of FUTURAMA (the 2 new episodes ruled!)
-Watched the new episode of Penn & Teller (Martial Arts, it was ok)
-Watched the new(ish) Sinbad standup (it ruled)
-Signed up for a tumblr (follow, it'll get less boring)
-Posted a review for I...
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Yeah it was their 3rd ep
You win! It is a One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest reference. The prize is MEGA-ULTRA KUDOS!
Can you guess what my derby number is? 27! Pop Punk 4 Lyfe.
Can you guess what my derby number is? 27! Pop Punk 4 Lyfe.
So I just saw the Buzzcocks tonight, and well....They ruled. And I don't mean "ah those old men were pretty good, they held it together for a whole set" No. They fucking shredded, tore the goddamn roof off of the place for an hour an a half. Some out of this world next level they destroy just about anybody else shit, goddamn.
In other (sadder)...
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In other (sadder)...
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happy birthday!
Records Records so many records! I've been on a giant ordering spree lately, but it's cool because I get more cool stuff in almost daily!
The Insubordination Fest 2010 lineup was announced last week, a little eh, but should still be tons of fun.
I just found out the Buzzcocks are playing the Ottobar, I didn't see that one coming, got my tickets.
and OPENING...
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The Insubordination Fest 2010 lineup was announced last week, a little eh, but should still be tons of fun.
I just found out the Buzzcocks are playing the Ottobar, I didn't see that one coming, got my tickets.
and OPENING...
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Alright lets start this out with some good stuff. First off my blog Uncle Critic is now a year old, to mark this we've moved up in the world a bit and registered the domain - is official! Check it out - a lot, be loyal readers.
Also if any of you have facebook pages you can add the Uncle Critic blog on facebook...
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Also if any of you have facebook pages you can add the Uncle Critic blog on facebook...
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i sense a new rant on the horizon METALBEARD VS WINTER aka how i lived at work for 3 days
fucking snow!!!
Avoiding sleep (because I'm dumb) so I guess it's blog time.
Well first off I'm the biggest idiot ever because recently I turned down the change to take 3rd shift at my job. It would have been 10pm to 8 am, Thurs-Sun. The days were shit but the hours were great, higher pay, way less work and I'd get to not see people I hate...
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Well first off I'm the biggest idiot ever because recently I turned down the change to take 3rd shift at my job. It would have been 10pm to 8 am, Thurs-Sun. The days were shit but the hours were great, higher pay, way less work and I'd get to not see people I hate...
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I seem to be getting a lot of questions on the date a recently went on, so for anyone who doesn't know yet, here's the full tale.
So I went on a date with this chick, meeting her at some bar in DC.
First I leave a half hour early for traffic....that doesn't work because some jerk doesn't let me off at my exit on...
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So I went on a date with this chick, meeting her at some bar in DC.
First I leave a half hour early for traffic....that doesn't work because some jerk doesn't let me off at my exit on...
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Metalbeard VS. DC , glad you made it out though
YEAR END LISTS - here's my top movie and music lists for the year. They will be posted next week on the blog - which you should always be reading - . A lot of these surprised me esp the albums after I went back and listened to everything while making the lists.
Top 20 Movies of 2009, and the bad - There's still...
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Top 20 Movies of 2009, and the bad - There's still...
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i disagree with the hangover being #1 , i say more like #3
That's why you'd be wrong.
Trip to Salem, MA 2009
After several failed attempts at sleep throughout the day Wednesday we finally rolled out about 3 am and drove through the night to our first stop, the Lizzie Borden house in Fall River, MA. I did all the driving once again this year, the drive was pretty good actually. Lack of sleep was surprisingly not a problem and even more...
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After several failed attempts at sleep throughout the day Wednesday we finally rolled out about 3 am and drove through the night to our first stop, the Lizzie Borden house in Fall River, MA. I did all the driving once again this year, the drive was pretty good actually. Lack of sleep was surprisingly not a problem and even more...
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Im so tempted to eat your cookies!
naw, if i could just post songs on the page i would not have to use youtube at all, but i can't so its a means to a end
. besides if i just posted the name of songs people would be like "WTF?" so i would rather let them hear the songs. metalbeard-0 , KD0083- 1

It's been a borderline crazy few months. Fucking too many weddings in too short of time I had to go to. However free booze is free booze and the last wedding I went to was cool only because as I pulled into the drive way of the church Judas Priest's "Deal With The Devil" came on my zune, it was a great moment.
Baltimore's DIY...
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Baltimore's DIY...
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