Saw The Agonist on Saturday. Such a great show. hung out with the band & got them wasted at the bar, cant go wrong with that.
I need someone to follow me around with a camera, and video tape a day in the life of me. I'm kinda curious on how I really act in a day. Everyone says I always make funny faces to them or have some sort of eyebrow lift or squinty nose look. I really want to know how much of an ass I look like to...
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how did having a few drinks after work at my house, turned into about 9 drinks lots of shots, & then another 5 shots at the bar?
I cant explain how wasted I got last night. I'll put it this way, someone else drove my truck(i never let that happen), went to get dog treats & walked out w/ a bag of food(I just got dog food a day ago), puked(in front of my door), no idea how i got upstairs, & woke up naked.
Good times! Lol.
well I missed Trivium to play my show. It sucked. I would have rather been at mayhem fest. I need to get out and about. Thinking about moving. any suggestions?
Well never mind about the extra money. Someone hacked my card & stole my money. people suck.
Should I spend my extra cash on, skydiving, finish the ink on my arm, get the huge tires for my truck, or just save it? hmmmm.........so many options!
yup, 101/102 degree fever, throat feel like garbage, & my entire body hurts soo much, that i got about an hour of sleep last night
Drink lots of fluids. Hope you feel better soon!! wink