i would just like to say, I FUCKING LOVED THE SHOW ON THE 24TH. i was up on stage w/ NIXON and everyone else, and overall just had a really fun night. and thats about it for now
More Blogs
Friday Oct 10, 2008
playing the freakin battle of the bands, grand prize-a freakin record… -
Wednesday Aug 27, 2008
Oh yeah, back in action. Infliction is ready to play more shows. We… -
Wednesday Jul 09, 2008
So its been awhile since i have done anything, but good stuff is happ… -
Wednesday Feb 14, 2007
just got more work done on my left arm, & of course for shit is comin… -
Thursday Jan 18, 2007
well i just purchased an intake & programmer for my truck, then i'll … -
Friday Jan 12, 2007
yup yup, i sent nix a message saying there should be a 2nd dvd for th… -
Sunday Dec 31, 2006
well its been awhile, family was here my brothers & my baby (2006 Che… -
Thursday Dec 21, 2006
blah blah blah, all people do is bitch, and i do it the most. so rat… -
Wednesday Dec 20, 2006
for those who read this (maybe 2 people or 3) if anyone would like to… -
Friday Dec 15, 2006
well, tryin to party or at least finding where to party sucks, why ca…