well mr kite had surgery for his big tumor type thing on his neck.. well not really tumor but weird lump that was huge and nasty.. he looks so skinny now!! hes so much more active and faster now im happy for him! after he got back from the vets yesterday he hated me! i thought hed never hang out with me again.. but hes...
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I just wanted to say Hi Hi and I think you should move make to detroit we need more super cool girls here!

i really like puddle of mudd
i just want to tell everyone how great my boyfriend is!
cuz he is the greatest!
thank you
good nite

thank you
good nite

i won't pay
im in savannah, the weather is super nice and i have a nice lil pad. im glad its not freezing. its nice to walk around and not be coooooooldddd as poo
nick and joe are here for a bit chillin, today is nicks birthday!hes 21, but the fucked up thing about savannah is that although you can walk around drinking, as long as whatever your...
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nick and joe are here for a bit chillin, today is nicks birthday!hes 21, but the fucked up thing about savannah is that although you can walk around drinking, as long as whatever your...
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i smoked crack nude thinking about really beefy club dancers. I really wish you were there to do the deep beef club dancer voice while i was high.
whoa. So you're telling me that where you're from, you could buy alcohol on Sunday's? What magical place is this? And are there unicorns there too? Savannah is poo.
Soo , last nite Phil gave me mr kite back! im sooo happy! i miss him so much. hes chillin in my roon right now bein all cute, im going to give him a little bit of pop since he loves it hehe
thank you phil i love ya!
so ive been working my butt off and it sucks.. somewhere this week ive caught a...
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thank you phil i love ya!
so ive been working my butt off and it sucks.. somewhere this week ive caught a...
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I Love GNR and I live in michigan..... Just thought I would drop a line and say hi!!!!

damn, you have MM tattoos! i've known several people who've said they wanted to get one, but never had the balls to do it. you're awesome.
Hello there, do you have any pics of your tattoos you could post? I'd live to see your tattooed seams.
merry x-mas everyone!
i miss paul
i hope everyone is having a good holiday!
i miss paul

i hope everyone is having a good holiday!

cool tattoo
sorry to hear you are sick i hope you get better soon
i have a strange qustion was that pic taken down off dirt clarkston road?

sorry to hear you are sick i hope you get better soon
i have a strange qustion was that pic taken down off dirt clarkston road?
hi there!!!!!
so im going to be learning how to do body piercings in the next month or so. im really excited!
its just going to be something to do on the side while im going to school for either fashion design or journalism.. not sure.. i just need something to pass up the time.. its a worthy cause... the only downside is that ill be sticking...
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its just going to be something to do on the side while im going to school for either fashion design or journalism.. not sure.. i just need something to pass up the time.. its a worthy cause... the only downside is that ill be sticking...
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Hey there... You should go check out the posting in the SG group, 1950's Hair and Dress regarding stocking seam tattoos. Perhaps you could post some pics of yout leg tattoos in there...

sweet about the piercing but that sucks about the misd.
What are you doing in GA?
What are you doing in GA?

why is it that time flies by me all the time... but when i have something to look forward to it creeps by sloooooww as all hell its just not fair!!
its ok ill get over it..
in 9 days babyyyy

its ok ill get over it..
in 9 days babyyyy

i stapled my finger with a staple gun last nite at a work christmas decorating party... it went right in the joint of my finger snd i have to go to the doctors cuz i know i broke it.. its lame but at least its on my left hand
so now i sprained my ankle and i have a broken finger! whats next?!
other than...
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other than...
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this is a personal invitation to join the SG BEATNIKS
we are a new group on this site searching for more members who might be interested in participation
have a good one
this is a personal invitation to join the SG BEATNIKS
we are a new group on this site searching for more members who might be interested in participation
have a good one