Hello precious SG community! 🖤
I'm very excited cause I'm starting this series of SG and SGH drawings that I'll be making! 💖.
I'm still a begginer at drawing, so this will help me to practice and at the same time it will be a lil tribute made with lots of love to my fav girls! 💖.
I decided to start with @wolf, shes been in the platform for 8 years now! 😱. I remember when I discovered SG around that time, I searched for Mexican Suicidegirls and I saw Wolf, I thought she was so strong, confident and beautiful!. At that time I didn't thought I could be a SG and I didn't had the confidence to do it, so I admired her cause she was doing this and looked so natural to her 🖤, besides that you can see her beautiful soul through her eyes ✨. She is a super amazing woman and I hope to meet her one day! 😍
Ignore the "bed" intent haha, didn't came out good 🥺 that's my fault cause I draw with a pen 🙊