Tommy doesn't know what day it is, who Jesus was or what praying is. How can he be saved?

Go to the mirror boy.

Do women really fantasize about having sex in expensive shoes?
"History is made at night. Character is what you are in the dark."

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension.
You are welcome. I hope that you had a great birthday! smile
How is she going to look with the lights off?


In the critical moment remeber to wonder how will she look in the dark, that's important since so much that is essential is done there...in the dark And how will she sound we she shares her critical flaw. Because she has one, a closeted ill that is hurting her, that she must share if...
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Happy Birthday! smile
The Olympics might be one of the last public refuges of fascism.

In a healthy culture a spirit of competition may be a condition of general health.

But, does a healthy culture require the swagger and bragadoccio of marches and medals and ribbon to boost its self esteem? Clearly, it is believed that we reqire this, we spend a lot of money on it.

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Further iteration for Fred:

Really, it is my experience that you cannot "find" a good woman anywhere. She finds you, and good is a relative term, it is generally good enough that she was looking. wink
Perfectly good matress, in the ditch ready for the dump
Decent pair of shoes, strung over a telephone wire
A tv set, a dresser, a car
A perfectly
good woman,
jacked up,
up on blocks,
thrown away.

If it were that easy to find a good women I'd be driving around town looking in every ditch I could find.
OCCUPATION: I'm a hypnotist collector and you are a walking antique. No, seriously. wink
I've seen the hawk, standing on the wash post watching the neighbor's yard. He looked to be three hands tall, from a distance. I remeber him as fledgling just bigger than the prey he chased and lost in the hedge. He lives here I guess, like the rabbit in the car port or the bird that lay eggs is the mouth of the leaf bagger....
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it's too bad all this commercial development drives out nature. I think we'd be better off living as a part of nature, not destroying it.
Groundhog Day

Once one becomes accustomed to the notion of living remarkable accomplishments like growing up to be "one helluva guy" become possible, it seems a waste to remain the "worthless little shits" that we are born when there is so much time given for refinement.