Oh noes im really poorly im really hot, achey all over, a bad chest and a banging headache. I guess its cus I did some stupid assault course at 2am in the frost crawling through mud and things.... Pure suckage. lol. It was fun though, but extremely cold. My flat is about as cold as outside though, theres frost on the inside of my windows and you can see your breath when you breath. It sucks so much, cant wait to get a new flat
More Blogs
Wednesday Sep 10, 2008
Urgh, im not well, i was on the bus earlier and had to get off early … -
Thursday Aug 28, 2008
Just came back from Wales, I miss Wales so much, its lush there, and … -
Monday Aug 18, 2008
Today was my brothers birthday, hes 14. I feel so old now, just going… -
Friday Aug 15, 2008
I am so beyong hungover. Last night me and my mate Drew got a big li… -
Thursday Aug 14, 2008
Argh I am so lost, I have a new boyfriend but im still in love with m… -
Saturday Aug 09, 2008
Ive just spent the last few days in Oxford. Drinking every bloody ni… -
Sunday Aug 03, 2008
I met Andy LaPlegua from Combichrist the other day. He kissed me, s… -
Monday Jul 21, 2008
I keep getting friend adds, but, none of these people actually vote o… -
Monday Jul 21, 2008
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Sunday Jul 20, 2008
Hey people im going to make a little video for SG, and I thought it w…