Who paid to keep my account open? =D eeeh thank you whoever it was ^.^

kiss kiss kiss a lots of kisses for you

Hey people, how did your xmas go?
Mine was well... not that eventful, but I was drinking from 10.30am with my mom, and by the evening I had my head in the toilet bowl returning my xmas dinner to the earth haha.
It wasnt really that I drank anything strong either all I was drinking all day was strawberries and cream vodka, and archers... I...
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Happy Birthday
no prob Im well
Got far too drunk last night, some people get hammered on the weekend, but oh no... not over here... not in Rugeley, Monday nights we do it. Old school style, with lock ins at pubs so we can smoke in style inside.
W00t w00t! biggrin
hey darling .....have fantastic christmas holidays happy new year ....and many many gift under your christmas tree a lots of kisses for you !!!

kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss

Oh noes im really poorly frown im really hot, achey all over, a bad chest and a banging headache. I guess its cus I did some stupid assault course at 2am in the frost crawling through mud and things.... Pure suckage. lol. shocked It was fun though, but extremely cold. My flat is about as cold as outside though, theres frost on the inside of my windows...
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Ho hum, what style do i do my new shoot? So confused lol.
You'll look beautiful no matter what.
Aww thank you ^_^ <3
wow i'm so glad for you ...your hair are fantastic .....a big big hug for you ...have nice day!!! kiss kiss kiss kiss
Love the new piercing..and the classes look hot
hi my dear ....for you ..today !!!

skull skull skull kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss

Mel has said shes seen me nekky now and shes all like 'victory for me!'... Oh noes, haha!
So how is everyone?
Everyone been keeping busy?
I havent really i just spent a whole weekend getting far, far too drunk. Which, yknow, isnt a bad thing or anything, I mean, im happy to be a crazy drinker. Drinking is good. biggrin It means that drunken singing...
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drunken singing is the best :-) You always think you sound like whitney houston and then end up realising your more on the level of the cheeky girls tongue x
Ho hum, the weather is getting alot colder and Im shivering my arse off! Haha.
I slept last night with a hot water bottle, the duvet, and two blankets on my bed and still was freezing! I think its safe to say I easily feel the cold.
Im going to the cinema later, I think im going to see pineapple express or something like that...
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i'm with you on feeling the cold. not so much at night when i go to bed, but in the mornings getting up is a nightmare! ARRR!!!

and i hope the set you're working on goes live. i still believe your last set should've seen you go pink, so *fingers crossed* you'll do it this time round smile
I can't wait to see your new set. The last one was incredibly hot. I hope it goes live, but even if it doesn't I think it is enjoyed by lots of members.
I nearlly died on Saturday.
I got taken in an ambulance to burton hospital and was kept in overnight. frown
And for the past few days ive been barfing non stop puke
Not cool.
Ive lost like a stone in weight.
Im alot better now, and im really thankful because if it hadnt been for my friend Grace noticing something was up and calling the ambulance I...
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damn that sucks
hope you feel better!
Oh my gosh, I hope you feel better!!
Urgh, im not well, i was on the bus earlier and had to get off early to vomit everywhere.
*cries* i hate being sick.
Wayne was with me, and i was soooo embaressed. lol.
He gave me a hug though and gave me his cola so, i guess its ok. shocked
Aww I'm sorry honey!
I hate being sick so much, especially when I throw up. I hope you get well soon!
Sending you good health energy.
Just came back from Wales, I miss Wales so much, its lush there, and its where i spent most of my childhood frown
I had a good time, but i wish i was still over there with my mate Luke.
I went back to Carrag Cennen castle, omg its still as amazing as it was when i was small.
Oh oh and I went on a...
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Thanks for your sweet comment on my set! It made me blush blush