Today I got a belated birthday present in the mail. Inside the box, there was a note I saw this and I immediately thought of you.
It was a purple, sparkly seahorse.
I remind someone of a purple, sparkly seahorse?
The offending seahorse
His name is Melvin. Hes going to start making cameos in all my photos.
Cleavage horse
Dont send me anything purple or sparkly you may get this look.
So, say hello to Melvin, seahorse extraordinaire, crime against good taste, and the newest member of SG.
Whats the strangest present youve ever gotten?
It was a purple, sparkly seahorse.
I remind someone of a purple, sparkly seahorse?
The offending seahorse
His name is Melvin. Hes going to start making cameos in all my photos.
Cleavage horse
Dont send me anything purple or sparkly you may get this look.
So, say hello to Melvin, seahorse extraordinaire, crime against good taste, and the newest member of SG.
Whats the strangest present youve ever gotten?
But you're the one who will have the most rewarding weekend.