-Stream of conscious alert -
Well, after a week in Los Angeles, Im ready to go back to Boston. This week Ive managed to dye my hair black, then dye it blue, go to 5 museums, 2 farmers markets, one show, 6 dinners out and 8 walks with my dog, hang a chandelier in my bedroom, get together with my raucous French friends for an evening full of double kisses and mockery, drive a Lamborghini down Sunset Blvd. for true yuppie flavor, pick up a singing job with an orchestra, attend two rehearsals with a chamber orchestra, go to the beach in hopes of making my freckles come back, purchase a new digital camera, a leopard dress, lacy underwear, a 1940s hat and bright pink sneakers, apply to go to Prague for the summer for an opera program, publish two papers on ethnomathematics, and baked one batch of dark chocolate, cherry oatmeal cookies. Oh yes, and I went on one long rant in Italian when I was extremely pissed off and attracted countless short, old, Hispanic men (my personal niche of attraction).
And, yet, I dont feel like Ive done much of anything.
(Oh well.)
The end.

I've been in LA all my life and haven't accomplished half that much. When I travel I accomplish even less. So what are you an Angelino or a Bostonian?
I've never lived in Boston but I know San Fransisco definitely fits that description.