The weather yesterday was amazing. I've never watched a storm roll in before... usually here it's just gray and cloudy for days at a time, and sometimes it gets windy. Yesterday was different. At lunch, I literally watched a storm darken the sky to the West, watch my island get engulfed by rain and clouds, and watch it advance across several miles of water towards Seattle in about 10 minutes.
Then ducked into a Staples to pick up a phone charger just as lightning struck a nearby transformer, causing the power to flash off and half a second later the thunder was so loud some things got knocked off shelves and created a chorus of car alarms.
Thunder, lightning, hail, wind, fuck yeah.
Then ducked into a Staples to pick up a phone charger just as lightning struck a nearby transformer, causing the power to flash off and half a second later the thunder was so loud some things got knocked off shelves and created a chorus of car alarms.
Thunder, lightning, hail, wind, fuck yeah.

Hey man, I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! I am waiting for the Jon Peel sessions of miss Polly Jean too!! I think she is so sexy it is scary, I envy Nick Cave among other reasons because she dated her, the bastard! I have the new Tom Waits boxed set!!!!! If interested I can make you a copy!!!! let me know, have a great weekend!

Thanks so much for commenting on my set! Much love, more to come! ^^^ Tom Waites *swoon* wants a copy.