Who is ultimately responsible for the mass murder of all the people in King's Landing?
I say Cersei. She was given a chance to surrender after killing one of Daenerys beloved children and Daenerys is BARELY hanging on to her sanity and temper already, and instead Cersei murders one of Daenerys best friends right in front of her. I understand being stubborn, proud, vain, and hateful, but she was dealing with a TARGARYEN. The LAST one was known as the "mad king" who was obsessed with fire and was prone to setting people on fire FOR NO REASON. What the fuck did Cersei think was gonna happen when she gave one A DAMN GOOD REASON? Those fucking Targaryens are ruthless and crazy.
And yet, much to my dismay, Daenerys basically pulled a Truman. The Americans had pretty good intel that the Japanese were ready to surrender but we dropped two atomic bombs on them anyway. It was a pretty dick move on her part.
She could have just focused on a strategic military target and just obliterated the Red Keep instead of torching civilians. While she was flying Drogon around and setting the city on fire Cersei is just standing there watching and I was wondering that.
"Why doesn't Daenerys just torch the Red Keep?"
It should have been the first place she torched. Go after the person she hates the most. That would have been my first instinct FFS.
Not having a bae who imitates imperialistic American foreign policy.