In 1977, the Resident's spokesperson (probably Hardy Fox) responded to an interviewer (probably another member of the Residents) who called their cover of the Rolling Stones "Satisfaction" as "the most determinedly repellent music ever heard." The spokesperson did not disagree but pointed out that the key word was "determinedly." As if the Residents purposely made the song so annoying and unlistenable as to make it stand out for its admittedly terrible sound.
I myself love the song.
Which brings me to my main point: The Donnas.
I recently started listening to them, and they are hilarious. It is almost impossible to believe they themselves take their ridiculous lyrics seriously. Their lyrics are "determinedly" bad, which makes them so fun. Bands like KISS, Poison, Warrant, AC/DC, Van Halen, etc probably thought they were writing "from the heart" or something, when the truth is that their lyrics were juvenile and terrible.
I don't think the Donnas were unaware how silly their songs are. I think they purposely wrote teeny-bopper "I wanna party and damn that boy is cute" lyrics knowing full well how ridiculous they were.
And I think that's what makes them awesome. That they, unlike the ego-driven bands of Los Angeles in the 80s, did not take themselves seriously at all. They were four girls who wanted to have fun and knew being in a band would take them there, and for that they have my mad respect.