So, I noticed there are a couple of SG and hopeful fantasy threads where basically the question is "which SG or hopeful would you want to date/have sex with with?" One in particular asks which SG or hopeful you'd like to have a specific KIND of sex with (anal.) I don't know how many SGs or hopefuls will see this blog post but isn't that kind of thread seriously creepy? I mean, do any SGs or hopefuls feel flattered knowing total strangers who know absolutely nothing about them want to date them based on their looks alone, much less fuck them in the ass? My guess is if there are, they are few and far between. I mean , I am sure the girls here are aware dudes are self-pleasuring to their images, but coming right out and tagging SGs and hopefuls in threads asking which ones you want to hook up with seems pretty eeeeew.
@gadget you know from my other post that I think treating women as equals tends to make you more attractive to them. This is coming from someone who has been with close to 400 women (bless you, New Orleans) because I realize women are not that different from men in their sexual desires and my pickup line, once I caught the vibe that a girl was interested, was "would you like to go home/have sex with me?" I mean straight up honesty. I knew the worst that could happen would be they would say no. But I can also honestly say that if during a conversation about mutual interests, one of them said something like "taxes are theft" or "the Nazis were socialists" or something equally fucking stupid, I would have walked away. Did I wind up having sex with girls I really didn't know at all - just flirting that led to sex based on their looks alone? Sure. You don't have sex with about 400 women and get to know their life stories. But at the very least I was there, talking to them, and getting a feel for the kind of person they were. Also, women who like anal sex, really REALLY like anal sex. Some even prefer it. And they will let you know when the time is right.
@gadget "As far as people wanting to fuck models in the ass - I take that with a grain of salt. " You know that would really, really hurt, right? Lube is better. LOL