- on merovie's photo
- on merovie's photo
- on merovie's photo
- on Gun Violence in the U.S. in Politics & Current Affairs
- on Gun Violence in the U.S. in Politics & Current Affairs
- on merovie's photo
Sure, you can say "Merry Christmas" if you're politically to the left. That's not the point. The point is Fox News Trumptards thinking there's a "War on Christmas" if you say...
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There's a quote Charlize Thereon said on the set of "A Million Ways to Die in the West" and Seth MacFarlane overheard it and told her to use it in the film.
The quote is: "There is something about connecting over mutual hatred that is just so much deeper than mutual love."
And it's true. I could deal with a girl who didn't really like...
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Note to Cosmo readers:
If you're not having the BEST SEX EVER by now, you are a lost cause.
Note to Cosmo:
You can stop now. Srsly.
You know how stupid and math-challenged racists have come up with three million towards Trump's wall in just a few days? Which considering the actual cost, which is in the billions, would take about 60 years to achieve at the current rate?
Well that's besides the point.
I need to pose as a screaming racist and white nationalist and set up a gofundme to acquire...
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♪♫♪Condoms, and orgies, and mass immigration,
Malt liquor 40s, and miscegenation,
Boys who use dildos, and girls with cock rings,
These are my favorite degenerate things.
Absinthe and coffee and bitchy sarcasm
estrogen, crying, and fruitless orgasms
Antifa furries and NB drag kings
these are my favorite degenerate things♪♫♪
In 1977, the Resident's spokesperson (probably Hardy Fox) responded to an interviewer (probably another member of the Residents) who called their cover of the Rolling Stones "Satisfaction" as "the most determinedly repellent music ever heard." The spokesperson did not disagree but pointed out that the key word was "determinedly." As if the Residents purposely made the song so annoying and unlistenable as to make it...
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If you are hiding behind a Punisher skull with Trump hair as a profile pic and bragging about how many "liberal twats you've railed" that means that you have railed exactly zero liberal twats . . .