Hope you all had a good end and start of the year!
I see this time of the year less and less as a new begining or to set new goals, maybe it's not a good thing but it does not fit me anymore.
But to those who are like that I want to know your goals and what you expect of this new year.
I started mine at my new place! I was working from home till 10pm and then I made some snacks to the 5 people who pass this night with me ☺️
The last 4 months of 2021 were so intense that I forgot the rest of it. Hoping for a less stressful year and lots of travelling even if alone. Seriously, let me know where those friends that say yes to every adventure and follow you everywhere are!!
Don't get me wrong, I have nice friends but we barely have matching time to meet.
Not a goal for this year but for life, I hope to explore the world much more, and more nature exploring, I want to do all the weird things I like but never find anyone willing to do the same, like whale watching!
Have a nice year and thank you all for your support.
find this set on my OF ☝️