I haz baby pics..
Warning this blog does not contain spoilers cause my phone already kicked out my blog twice..no computer charger sucks butt..must buy immediately..this attempt to post has proven that :-(
My aunt sent me these pics as well as the pic of my mommy in my previous blog..ironic..some of these i have never seen and the first i knew of but had no idea where it had disappeared to..

I actually remember my mum taking this pic..somehow even then being bucked naked with crazy hair felt kinda right!
I swear i was the cutest baby..

Me and my brother 3yrs older..and having an older brother took alot of bravery..mine wasnt the protective type...

More like the poke a stick at it type..

Here is my daddy..

Snd this was my favorite circus shirt..gotta luv the 1977 collar in full effect..
I was so sad when this red riding hood necklace broke...

It is officially my Birthday month! I am not ashamed ..more like shocked to realize i will be turning 41 on the 28th! I like most members have my wishlist posted on my profile..and i gotta say mine is kind of random and bizarre at times..so worth taking s peek at if for nothing but to get into my head! Two things i reslly really want..and will gift back for!!! 1st being a monster high doll and or the create a monster would be wicked awesome...and second i Must have any and or all of the Kigurumo costumes...i swear i will wear it far too often than is probably legal!
I have been doing a lot of this...



Ok i have no idea what pics just got posted it will be a suprise for us all :-)
I have really being enjoying watching..van sessions ..on youtube..sorry no links it will surely boot my blog again..but it is a cover band performing in their van! Check it out! And i have been listening to podcasts...actually thinking of starting one..hey i gotta a sexy voice and wit! You would listen right? I enjoy the freakanomics one and adam corrola..and girl on guy..i like her guests!
Ok ok this has got to end...i need to press post finally and see what sticks! I cannot thank you all enough ..although no suprise to me all the love and support i got on my last blog...there is a reason why i have been around these here parts for almost 5 years now..and why i had no problem getting the logo to become a life long member..it is cause ..i feel the love! Spanx for that SG
Well u know me off to perv..most likely on Brandie..cause when she goes pink she will forget she promised to marry me...
So til next time..same SGchannel
Warning this blog does not contain spoilers cause my phone already kicked out my blog twice..no computer charger sucks butt..must buy immediately..this attempt to post has proven that :-(
My aunt sent me these pics as well as the pic of my mommy in my previous blog..ironic..some of these i have never seen and the first i knew of but had no idea where it had disappeared to..

I actually remember my mum taking this pic..somehow even then being bucked naked with crazy hair felt kinda right!
I swear i was the cutest baby..

Me and my brother 3yrs older..and having an older brother took alot of bravery..mine wasnt the protective type...

More like the poke a stick at it type..

Here is my daddy..

Snd this was my favorite circus shirt..gotta luv the 1977 collar in full effect..

I was so sad when this red riding hood necklace broke...

It is officially my Birthday month! I am not ashamed ..more like shocked to realize i will be turning 41 on the 28th! I like most members have my wishlist posted on my profile..and i gotta say mine is kind of random and bizarre at times..so worth taking s peek at if for nothing but to get into my head! Two things i reslly really want..and will gift back for!!! 1st being a monster high doll and or the create a monster would be wicked awesome...and second i Must have any and or all of the Kigurumo costumes...i swear i will wear it far too often than is probably legal!
I have been doing a lot of this...

Ok i have no idea what pics just got posted it will be a suprise for us all :-)
I have really being enjoying watching..van sessions ..on youtube..sorry no links it will surely boot my blog again..but it is a cover band performing in their van! Check it out! And i have been listening to podcasts...actually thinking of starting one..hey i gotta a sexy voice and wit! You would listen right? I enjoy the freakanomics one and adam corrola..and girl on guy..i like her guests!
Ok ok this has got to end...i need to press post finally and see what sticks! I cannot thank you all enough ..although no suprise to me all the love and support i got on my last blog...there is a reason why i have been around these here parts for almost 5 years now..and why i had no problem getting the logo to become a life long member..it is cause ..i feel the love! Spanx for that SG
Well u know me off to perv..most likely on Brandie..cause when she goes pink she will forget she promised to marry me...
So til next time..same SGchannel
I hope you are still about...
Merry Christmas to you too! I thought I lost you