My mommy died on Saturday :-(

She got merca In the hospItal..It never healed and sucked the lIfe rIght out of her..I dIdnt get to see her..It has been 5yrs..I feel lIke a terrIble daughter and I mIss her laugh....
I know a terrIble way to start and fInIsh my blog..but that Is all I have..sorry for the crazy letters. puter Is broke and I am new to typIng on a phone :-( If any of you are zIvIty members I have a new set lIve over there..I shot It as a trIbute to my mother..and now It Is In her memory..honestly the fIrst tIme I have shot a set wIth meanIng..It Is called Gypsy..whIch Is what my mother always called me..and she Is rIght ..whIch Is probably why It has been so many years sInce I went back home..:-( I also got a tattoo sunday In her memory..she loved I thought thIs suIted her...

An owl In a she can fly free!
Here Is a pIc from my gypsy set....

She got merca In the hospItal..It never healed and sucked the lIfe rIght out of her..I dIdnt get to see her..It has been 5yrs..I feel lIke a terrIble daughter and I mIss her laugh....
I know a terrIble way to start and fInIsh my blog..but that Is all I have..sorry for the crazy letters. puter Is broke and I am new to typIng on a phone :-( If any of you are zIvIty members I have a new set lIve over there..I shot It as a trIbute to my mother..and now It Is In her memory..honestly the fIrst tIme I have shot a set wIth meanIng..It Is called Gypsy..whIch Is what my mother always called me..and she Is rIght ..whIch Is probably why It has been so many years sInce I went back home..:-( I also got a tattoo sunday In her memory..she loved I thought thIs suIted her...

An owl In a she can fly free!
Here Is a pIc from my gypsy set....

I hope it comforts you to know that she is no longer in pain and she can rest proud knowing she raised an INCREDIBLE woman. Her creating you made this world a better place my friend and we ALL have your beautiful mother to thank for that.