Bad Meets Evil..
This video is AWESOME!
I have said it before ..I will say it again.. Eminem is da Man..
I love him back with Royce. I missed them ..I loved D12 and this sequel to Bad Meets Evil..Well trust me it is DA SHITE! 
O.A.R has a new album "King" that is keeping me company on my morning route as well...
Check it out!
I am loving my new Job!
Well my training at my new job 
I am only in my second of my fourth training week but I am learning tons of new things..which is always fun and interesting!
I am working for Kohler ..I work at their Customer Care Call Center..Where people call in for Warranty part replacements..Pre Sales..and Service and or Installation questions!
This company has been around a very long time..originated in 1873
So we have ALOT of parts and alot of things to learn! We trouble shoot for our customers..suggest fixtures..and advise on Installation!
It has been awhile since I have had a job that challenged me mentally so I am enjoying everyday!

Me getting dropped off on my 1st Day

This movie is a MUST SEE,,
I have got a THING for Joseph Gordon Levitt..
For realz he is the reason I watched 3rd Rock from the son!
But this role is taking him to a whole new level..
And I like it!
If there are any Foot Lovers out there
Please go check out Tickle Relish to check out Sneak my Foot Fetish Tickle Videos 
If you are still in the mood to see some more of ME
Please leave me some love on my set 
Sticks & Stones
You Guyz Rock my Socks OFF!

I cannot Thank you enough for all the sweet comments you have left for me..I truly appreciate the love! 
Now I am OFF to Perv on some sets before Bed!
Til next time..Same SG channel!
This video is AWESOME!
I have said it before ..I will say it again.. Eminem is da Man..

O.A.R has a new album "King" that is keeping me company on my morning route as well...
Check it out!

I am loving my new Job!

I am only in my second of my fourth training week but I am learning tons of new things..which is always fun and interesting!
I am working for Kohler ..I work at their Customer Care Call Center..Where people call in for Warranty part replacements..Pre Sales..and Service and or Installation questions!
This company has been around a very long time..originated in 1873

It has been awhile since I have had a job that challenged me mentally so I am enjoying everyday!

Me getting dropped off on my 1st Day

This movie is a MUST SEE,,
I have got a THING for Joseph Gordon Levitt..

But this role is taking him to a whole new level..

And I like it!

If there are any Foot Lovers out there

If you are still in the mood to see some more of ME

Sticks & Stones
You Guyz Rock my Socks OFF!

Now I am OFF to Perv on some sets before Bed!

Til next time..Same SG channel!

I love you sweetheart. Thank you for caring and sharing so much of yourself with me. I know you are busy and can't always write, but I also know you are there, as I ALWAYS am for you...and that's what counts!
Take care and stay safe 

congrats on getting a job u can like!