I expected to find sexy women

I expected to find horny men

I expected to find friends

But I never expected to find so much Poetry
Yep I said it

Isn't it Wonderful
And I am not just talking about this type of Poetry either..between the model..camera..and photographer..

these are only a few recent pictures that to me tell a story like poetry...
But I am talking about ....
So it got me thinking..I used to have poetry books a plenty But we have moved so much
sadly the only books I really held on to were ones that were given to me.
I used to read poetry all the time..on the bus..waiting for appointments..to my children. Especially once I had children because most poems are short and sweet
About all a childs attention span can handle
One poet that I always enjoyed was Nikki Giovanni
So speaking of books that I did keep along all the moves...
I came across these two treasures..
Edward Gorey
I love his art work..that mixed with the story is poetry again
I wish you could read the stories
They were given to me in 2002 by a dear friend of mine for Xmas
Inside she inscribed...
"not everything in life can be interpreted metaphorically...that's because things fall out on the way"
The real treasure was this picture that she had also given me at a different time..that I had tucked into the sleeve of the big book
I am so happy I was sure I had lost this ..and it had always been damaged
Now I must frame it immediatly..and hang it in my bedroom
Well since I have a set Q'd for MR in exactly one Month from today
I figured I would be kind to you cupcakes and share a teaser that gives a hint to my theme
And don't forget about me I'm STILL Here... waiting to get some LOVE from you!! Please..
I would
to reach 1000 comments
Thank you SOOOOOOOO much to every one that has been kind so far
And I was a member for years before I ever submitted a set..so I never ever checked the MR Q.
Everyday was just a welcome suprise
But I gotta say..I love seeing the little teasers of the sets that are up and coming .
Brandie I honestly adore this lady..and she deserves to go PINK for sure If you don't believe me go check out her sets
Tevyn pronounce like Kevin She is Stunning I am
about why she is not PINK yet too!!!!!
Menina Sweet Lord she is scrumptuos..I remember pleading with SG to make her PINK..so happy to see another set from her
I see some wonderful PERVIN going on in OUR future
Insert random Kitty Pic!
Speaking of PERVIN If you know me at all..
You know that is what I am off to do..
Til next time..Same SGchannel!!
"What's great for a snack and fits on your back?"
an Asian girl?!