Well that can go both ways!!

I love Pink sunrises..I don't think I ever truly saw them til I moved West!

I took PennyLane out this morning at it was COLD..windy

The clouds were ..Rollin ..rollin ..rollin!!

I love the sky

Well today was supposed to be my last day off

So I guess I go to work for a few hrs. tonight..Especially since they messed up on my schedule.

But to be honest I would much rather lounge around the house watching PennyLane sweep!!!


No Seriously though!!
Last night we cooked these Chicken.. Taco?? Fajita ??
They were delicious!!
Black Beans n Rice..MMM!!
Soooo...I took my POS car to the shop the other day!! And the good news is my car is not a POS!!
He said I need some filters?!! He fixed a plug!!
And said I need a oil change bad!!
AND not only do I need an oil change!! But I have to get some of the oil out ASAP about a quart 1/2 ..cause there is too much oil in the care??
Well I had never heard of such a thing?!! And we didn't have the money right then to do the oil change or get the filters!!
Girls gotta do ..what a girls gotta do !! No way hubbie was fittin under my car
He was there giving direction!!!
We got all the filters..and Stuff..he said we need yesterday..
Except for the Ramps..
And to be honest I can't see me doing any of it Today..
Before work tonight
So..one more day of driving it won't hurt!!!
I watched this video when it premiered a little bit ago I found it to be entertaining..and interesting!!
It's a mini movie..Like Thriller!!
Gotta admit those ladies are lovely!! This is the making of vid..Go to Youtube..to watch the original uncensored video!!
FOOT FRIENDS!! May choose to see feet!! And video!!!
Well til next time!! Same SGchannel!!