LLAMA"S?? I am confused...I don't even know how to explain this but on my search engine I have a tab that automatically opens SG Home page for me when I start up the internet and on the icon it is usually the SG logo ..the one that I am seriously considering getting a tattoo of ..not only cause of the lifetime membership..but because that logo ROCKS gotta luv the cum fuck me ponytails,..anyway I digress, so as I was saying there is usually the SG logo and right now, as I look up at the tab there is a F'n LLAMA good god I think that is how you spell it, but it don't really matter how u spell it I am seeing it with mine own 2 eyes!! So if there is a moderator or whoever out there in SG world that can please tell me why I am seeing a LLAMA!!
Ta for da freindship thingo. What a lovely critter thou aRT.