And so it is that once again I sit in front of a computer and a keyboard and attempt to put my soul into my words. This is the only way I know of to allow those things that hide in the darkest corners of myself to escape. If I had not the release of the written word, I would surely be dead 'fore the morrow. I lapse into archaic english at times, and it seems none too appropriate to me. My only wonder is if there is anyone out there actually listening. If there is not, then all of this is trully a waste of time. Still, there is something in me that urges me to continue, to go on, to keep dragging myself out of bed everyday. I do not know this unseen hand, this unknown force that compels me to forever march on, yet still I follow its merciless commands. Always there is one more step, and always I take it, without ever fighting to reason for it. None of us trully what our purpose is, though most of us fight so hard to try and figure it out, that we lose sight of what we are, our purpose does not matter, for no matter what direction you go in life, you will serve your purpose, the only thing that matters is that you do what 'you' feel nedds to be done with your time here. Never fight life, it is like a river that has been flowing since long before man ever swam in it, and it will flow for long after we dry its moisture from our collective back. Let the current of life take you where you belong, for if you fight it, you will never leave the place you are, until you are too tired to fight any longer and you drown. Just flow with it, and live life for what it is, an endless flow of experience and knowledge.
what a second, making people happy makes you happy, but it makes you sad when people dump their problems on you? how are you supposed to make them happy if they cant talk to you?