Well, since I take care of this like it was a pet rock, I figured it was time to adjust the diaramma and brush off the dust. I have moved to Maryland, where I am now stationed and am enjoying it rather more than I thought I thought I would. I am hoping that my horrendous luck with love will change here, but am also...
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absolutely mac inspired biggrin we all love it!

thanks for the comment
Thanks for the comment on my new set blush
Ok then, all of my legal problems are finally at a rest. I have ben aqcuitted of all charges, yes, one must love the military legal system. It actualy works 98% of the time, and those that say otherwise are either bitter or part of the unfortunate 2%. I am curious as to whether anyone actualy reads this. I am well aware that I am...
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happy day of birth! biggrin
Thanks so much for the comment on my sonic and tails set! I'm sorry this is SUCH a late reply, I've had a hectic month! And I'm kind of lazy too. But it was very much appreciated, anyhow. Take care xox
Ahh yes, for the first ime it seems someone has read this, and an unexpected someone at that. Dear girl, it is nice to se that you still think of me every now and again. I seem to have become a federal criminal inthe interim since my last post. interesting story, I managed to avoid jail time, although I am now desperately seeking legal advice...from...
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hey thanks for all the info stuffs about burnout! i'm still working... coz i'm having waaaaaaaaay too much fun with road rage.. that part is so fun. biggrin totally blows any other car video game i've ever had outta the water.. but it will never take the spot HALO has in my heart. hehe
Ahh yes, for the first ime it seems someone has read this, and an unexpected someone at that. Dear girl, it is nice to se that you still think of me every now and again. I seem to have become a federal criminal inthe interim since my last post. interesting story, I managed to avoid jail time, although I am now desperately seeking legal advice...from...
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Hello again to the few thatmay stumble upon this every now and then. Things have been proressing normally, as always. I have a friend who is considering applying to be an SG, but os slightly nervous although excited. I am still love lorn and searching, though fruitlessly. and for the most part there is little else for me to write today, perhaops sometime in the...
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good to hear things are going 'normally' - better than bad, I suppose?
There is only onew way to describe the last week of my life, dull. Perhaps there are more ways, but listing them here is not worth the time it would take. My wisdom teeth were pulled two weeks ago, and the holes are all still open, ad my jaw is still throbbing. The downside to having been prescribed painkilers is that I can take them...
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I do not think that I have posted on this enough, I beleive that it may be time to begin to do this on a regular basis, but if you feel that you may be missing something, then perhaps you might enjoy checking out my Myspace blog.


that will take you to my page. Although I am not sure who actually reads this, especially...
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It has been a rather long time since I updated this, and in the last few updates, I have not done a damn thing but give a brief glimpse into a few months of life. I shall elaborate on the Tokyo trip, finally, and try to upload pics. I happened to be in northern Japan (Misawa-Aomori Prefect) because of a deployment with the Navy. I...
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Well, I returned rom Tokyo about a wek ago, but have not beenable to upload the pictures yet, I am going to try tonite, but we shall see. I am now in the middle of the desert, and if you wish to know more, then you shall have to wait, due to security and other things I have to watch what I say. There are...
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ooo I hope you had a good time in Tokyo. I can't wait to see the pics. tongue
Thank you lots for your email smile
Wow, Tokyo...I'm learning Japanese because I've always wanted to go there, but it's hard going and I'm not very good.
I have finally put a pic of me up here, amazing is it not. I shall in time add more though, not right now, after I go to Tokyo though. You can all (by all I mean the 1 person who as looked at this) expect many pcs of that city by the time I return at the end of the month. Never sleep for...
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holy shit dude!!! i just noticed we're born on the same day...
and I want to see pictures of Tokyo... Japan is cool. I think. confused