Just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who has checked out my debut set "Hippy Haven" and shown their love and support!!! I was so excited for this set to come out and so pleased with how it's going so far... only 3 away from 800 likes WOWWEEEEE! You're all amazing and I can't wait for the new year to show you what I've...
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For some SGH homework I decided to tell everyone on SG about my majorly irrational/childhood fear that has kind of carried onto adulthood... Well as a kid I LOVED swimming and took courses for quite some time! But my biggest most irrational fear has ALWAYS been the bottom of that pool.... Even though I knew it was a silly 12 feet down and could clearly...
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So I chose, ""What inspired you to become a SuicideGirl?" (in your case, a Hopeful!)"
Well for starters I have always felt out of the loop, ever since highschool. I didn't fit in with the jocks, the "cool kids" I never really looked the part as a "normal girl" so to speak. I was always interested in the body art and people that had piercings...
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Currently building a website from scratch and looking up homemade face masks to make and sell because I mean come on... when can you ever find face masks, mud masks, etc in bulk? In MN I haven't had any such luck! Will share my secrets soon enough :)
Here we are! Almost halfway and I can start feeling the flutters in my tummy from the baby moving!!!! It's incredible to think of him/her growing everyday in there and in just 5 more months this little human will be here!!! So excited to become a mom... 👶🏼❤️
So now being pregnant... I have a lot of annoying people harassing me now and again in my Instagram because yes my naked body is on the Internet... Big whoop!! I am so so proud to be comfortable in my own skin, before and after having my child this fall! I fell so in love with the Suicide Girls at the burlesque that I went...
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Yes everybody... So I know I haven't been here in a while and that's simply because.... This SGH has found out that she's going to be a SGH MOMMY this November!!!! I am very very happy and excited to be bringing a new human into this world! Yes I am bummed that I have to put my SG career on the back burner for a...
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