So. He's dead. If you don't know who, then don't bother reading this entry because it will mean nothing to you. He was 67 and he shot himself tonight. Why. WhywhwywhywhyWHY. I hate suicide and I hate the people that commit it even more. No matter how much you love someone. Suicide is an act worthy of hatred. You were a genius and I loved you but I hate you for this.
Do you ever feel like, afraid, of getting old, because the famous people we grew up with will start to die?
Like, we've all watched our parents be distraught over actors or what have you that they grew up with, dying.
And i feel like we're getting to that point.
where people we grew up with, people who changed our lives, people who made us want to be what we are now BECOMING, are starting to die.
And it's terrible.
I really don't have anything else to say right now. I'm too shocked. More profound words will come to me in the morning, I hope.
I ♥ my Ashley.
And this is why:
k: ashley
a: i know.. hst killed himself
k: <3
a: we must be psychic. i was just going to IM you
k: wow
k: the second i heard all i thought was i want to talk to ashley
a: me too
a: =(
I hope a lot of people comment on this entry and say they are incredibly saddended as well. I hope he touched tons of people I know as much as he touched me. I hope that at least some of the people I call my friends here on sg realize what a tragedy this is.

Do you ever feel like, afraid, of getting old, because the famous people we grew up with will start to die?
Like, we've all watched our parents be distraught over actors or what have you that they grew up with, dying.
And i feel like we're getting to that point.
where people we grew up with, people who changed our lives, people who made us want to be what we are now BECOMING, are starting to die.
And it's terrible.
I really don't have anything else to say right now. I'm too shocked. More profound words will come to me in the morning, I hope.
I ♥ my Ashley.
And this is why:
k: ashley
a: i know.. hst killed himself
k: <3
a: we must be psychic. i was just going to IM you
k: wow
k: the second i heard all i thought was i want to talk to ashley
a: me too
a: =(
I hope a lot of people comment on this entry and say they are incredibly saddended as well. I hope he touched tons of people I know as much as he touched me. I hope that at least some of the people I call my friends here on sg realize what a tragedy this is.

he influenced me almost more than my dad. im not angry at him but i want to know why, because i already miss him.

It sucks and I miss him but it was his choice. It is a right.