okay, please answer me this so i don't feel so weird:
does anyone else get extremely excited about changing the page of their calander(s) when a new month begins?
my whole life, changing the calander pages has been a truly thrilling event for me. and now, we have THREE calanders hanging in our bedroom. triple the excitment. i don't need to tell you that i had a mild heart attack this morning.
my tongue hurts. i bit it. ouch.
25 days until home. they're actually firing people so i can come back. such simple words made me so happy: "we're missin yoouu! we talk about you all the time!"
ridiculously good to know., that you're missed. it's one of my favorite feelings.
my best friend doesn't seem to care much about our friendship these days. okay. that's fine. that's just fiiiine. i'm no one. okay then. eff you.
more reason why i love my pac family ...they are always there. static and unchanging. my rock.
*heart gets warm and fuzzy*
it's going to be difficult living with my mom again, for sure. she's absolutely out of her mind insane, and words cannot explain how deeply that insanity rubs off onto me. it's funny how my entire life i was plagued with splitting headaches every single day, and constant muscle pain and general misery. since i've lived on my own, i've had none of that. the change was so dramatic, like night and day. but, you know. i'll deal. as long as she doesn't start bugging me about eating, i'll deal. being back in maryland is all that matters to me. it's going to be weird being back there for good, and this time, all my friends AREN'T home from school. not having jess there is going to be terrible, strange, sad...but there's people. if columbia is famous for anything, it's townies. it'll be ok.
no how am i going to get through these 25 remaining days? josh joked to me that i should take up knitting. "you know you wanna knit sampson some leg warmers," he said. hilarious. i just might. there's nothing else to do. anyone want a scarf?
everyone please leave me your best idea for a long-term hobby to take up to make the next 25 days speed by me. PLEEEAASSSE.
does anyone else get extremely excited about changing the page of their calander(s) when a new month begins?
my whole life, changing the calander pages has been a truly thrilling event for me. and now, we have THREE calanders hanging in our bedroom. triple the excitment. i don't need to tell you that i had a mild heart attack this morning.
my tongue hurts. i bit it. ouch.
25 days until home. they're actually firing people so i can come back. such simple words made me so happy: "we're missin yoouu! we talk about you all the time!"
ridiculously good to know., that you're missed. it's one of my favorite feelings.
my best friend doesn't seem to care much about our friendship these days. okay. that's fine. that's just fiiiine. i'm no one. okay then. eff you.
more reason why i love my pac family ...they are always there. static and unchanging. my rock.
*heart gets warm and fuzzy*
it's going to be difficult living with my mom again, for sure. she's absolutely out of her mind insane, and words cannot explain how deeply that insanity rubs off onto me. it's funny how my entire life i was plagued with splitting headaches every single day, and constant muscle pain and general misery. since i've lived on my own, i've had none of that. the change was so dramatic, like night and day. but, you know. i'll deal. as long as she doesn't start bugging me about eating, i'll deal. being back in maryland is all that matters to me. it's going to be weird being back there for good, and this time, all my friends AREN'T home from school. not having jess there is going to be terrible, strange, sad...but there's people. if columbia is famous for anything, it's townies. it'll be ok.
no how am i going to get through these 25 remaining days? josh joked to me that i should take up knitting. "you know you wanna knit sampson some leg warmers," he said. hilarious. i just might. there's nothing else to do. anyone want a scarf?
everyone please leave me your best idea for a long-term hobby to take up to make the next 25 days speed by me. PLEEEAASSSE.

hehehe yea the new cd is called retaliation... check out his site and it will tell you all about it... it comes out in the begining of march.. i can't wait... now mitch hedberg has to come out with a new cd and so does stephen lynch..ehhehe
have fun...