I got back in touch with one of my old friends from the drug days recently, Becca. She was a senior when I was a sophomore, and always one of the wonderful ones...loyal, honest, a great friend in general. She had her baby 3 years ago, Eden. I believe the last time I saw her was at the baby shower we had for her, after Eden was born. After that, we just lost touch out of, I believe, her desire to seperate herself from that whole scene. Luckily, I did too, which is one of the reasons we're able to be friends again two years later. Neither of us could say that about Beth or Tommy or Scott, or any of the other old frends who just couldn't tear themselves away, and are rotting away in their parents basements still to this day. Anyways, she sent me this picture, which made me so nostalgic, not for all the terrible addictions but for the friends, and the closeness we all had together. One day after a long night of e and acid trips, her and I explored this whole hidden little island in the woods, and she took pictures for her photography class. She took this one of my hands, and she told me later that it won her some contest as well as a good grade. For me, it exudes that oh so familiar day after feeling; exhaustion, depression, dirtiness, but peaceful amongst your amazing friends.
She's a wonderful person and I'm really happy she's back in my life. And Eden too. Even if she WAS conceived during an acid trip on 4/20, on Scott's front porch. Heh.
Oh yeah, and I've been censored. I'm no longer allowed to put political shit on my door. I'm offending the homophobes.

She's a wonderful person and I'm really happy she's back in my life. And Eden too. Even if she WAS conceived during an acid trip on 4/20, on Scott's front porch. Heh.
Oh yeah, and I've been censored. I'm no longer allowed to put political shit on my door. I'm offending the homophobes.
Well talk at ya later.