Got fired today........... first time ever in my life. You never really know how shitty a feeling it is to get walked out of a corporate building with all eyes on you....eyes of your peers....judging eyes....... evil stabbing eyes....until it actualy happens. I have been one of those people before.... judging and making jokes......... now I'm the one to be talked about. Today is a fucking dark day for me. Stupid small little things can make such a giant inmpact on your life. Something as stupid as saying "I bet she's fucked half the guys in the company and blown the other half as well". in an e-mail. I know! I know!!! .....and E-MAIL!! I was stupid.... I never thought never thought about it. It was second nature to send it back in reply to a simple conversation. Ahhhhhhhhhh, but language like this violates the electronic communications agreement I signed when I started at this company and thusly requires my termination when it is brought to the attention of the human resources department. I was made an example of and now I'm unemployed. Fuck me.........
I am so mad at myself right now for being so fucking stupid. I am so much smarter than this......

I am so mad at myself right now for being so fucking stupid. I am so much smarter than this......

"things fall apart so things can fall back together"