I've got a Sierra Neveda in hand, some fries cooking in the oven, and some Tool kicking on the system. LOOOOOONG ass day at work today. (And yesterday!!) Damn this beer taste good!
How was everyone's day? Whatcha got cooking for the week end?
HEY!!!!! Is ANYONE having any SG East Coast parties anytime soon? ANYONE?!!!!

How was everyone's day? Whatcha got cooking for the week end?
HEY!!!!! Is ANYONE having any SG East Coast parties anytime soon? ANYONE?!!!!

Have no money unfortunately, but thanks..
I'm having a girls night Saturday, out to dinner and then movies and bullshitting our way thru the night, then Sunday me and my sister are hanging out. Niceee....
(Oh and there's the studying, and the taking care of my stepson.. yawn heh heh)
You're inspiring. Think I'm gonna put on Tool as well. I need some Schism.. or Prison Sex.. hm. Have a great weekend :-)