What a nice fucking day out today..... I really wish I had the day off to go exploring, maybe hit up some river walk trails in Lowell with my blades on. THAT would have been perfect!! I figure I'll drop ya'll a lil' ditty that prang to mind today. It's an oldie and I'll give 100 points to anyone who can tell me who it is?!!
"You don't have to say no words
and it comes in every language
you can see it in every nation
it helps communication
it's like a shining sun
up high in the sky
and when you blink your eyes
it's like a nice surpize
take your time
as long as you
make the time
to be happy
smile on
pass it on
do do dodo
do do do do dodo
you got to keep moving keep moving
it's a universal sign
everyone can do it
you can change people's minds
if you choose to use it
smile on
pass it on
smile on
pass it on
give a little whistle"

What a nice fucking day out today..... I really wish I had the day off to go exploring, maybe hit up some river walk trails in Lowell with my blades on. THAT would have been perfect!! I figure I'll drop ya'll a lil' ditty that prang to mind today. It's an oldie and I'll give 100 points to anyone who can tell me who it is?!!
"You don't have to say no words
and it comes in every language
you can see it in every nation
it helps communication
it's like a shining sun
up high in the sky
and when you blink your eyes
it's like a nice surpize
take your time
as long as you
make the time
to be happy
smile on
pass it on
do do dodo
do do do do dodo
you got to keep moving keep moving
it's a universal sign
everyone can do it
you can change people's minds
if you choose to use it
smile on
pass it on
smile on
pass it on
give a little whistle"

Deee-Lite, Smile On.