New photo taken by our very own MissBernie.. Thanks! At least Bitmaps work on this site.. Myspace is giving me hell everytime I try to upload this fucker.
Yeah, so the parent suck up fest continues. They love me again. I've been staying home and watching extremely boring programs with them, and it counts as bonding. I'm collecting parental points like a prostitute collects stds. In rapid succession.
I have nothing deep or philosophical to report. Next Friday I get paid, and I can't wait. I'm going to treat myself and buy a new dress.
Things I'd like to cure this week:
1. Pauly Shore's benign career.
2. My crush's confusion over the fact that YES he does want to be with me forever.
3. The fact my stomach is sticking out a mile due to heavy consumption of cheese.
4. Anyone who doesn't believe in the Easter Bunny.
Yeah, so the parent suck up fest continues. They love me again. I've been staying home and watching extremely boring programs with them, and it counts as bonding. I'm collecting parental points like a prostitute collects stds. In rapid succession.
I have nothing deep or philosophical to report. Next Friday I get paid, and I can't wait. I'm going to treat myself and buy a new dress.
Things I'd like to cure this week:
1. Pauly Shore's benign career.
2. My crush's confusion over the fact that YES he does want to be with me forever.
3. The fact my stomach is sticking out a mile due to heavy consumption of cheese.
4. Anyone who doesn't believe in the Easter Bunny.

damn me last enrty made very little sense
Are you still there? Just checking to be sure your ok, havent heard from you in a few weeks.