Nothing like having a friend of a friend judge you after one night.. Don't you hate that, guys? For instance, It's like you take one drunk experience and base everything you know about a person on the happenings of THAT night..AND the comments and opinions of people that are not my bestest friends ever.. seesh.. Not exactly smart is it? especially when the conversation was cool.. oh well.. i don't have time for that drama.. It's just annoying that you try to meet someone cool and shit hits the fan.. I could care less about someones first impression of me is, anyway.. get to know me then decide, don't be a jerk. i thought that's what this website was about anyway.. NOT judging a person based on a quick look.. how annoying..
you can make it up. i have some ideas...
Yeah...i hope no one judges me based on my drunken crazy as they seem to be haha. Don't sweat it.