I'm watching Jesus Christ Superstar for the first time in nearly a decade.
Seriously? Andrew Lloyd Webber used to be edgy. He used to be able to rock. JCS was intended as a big fuck you to the church.
What happened to this man? From this to Starlight Express?
It's really sad.
Seriously? Andrew Lloyd Webber used to be edgy. He used to be able to rock. JCS was intended as a big fuck you to the church.
What happened to this man? From this to Starlight Express?
It's really sad.

Listen to the serious licks on the guitar though. It's really clean. I'm a PK you know, and my mom is an opera singer. That was the only rock 'n' roll I had when I grew up.

Hi there, I'm a bird lover and joined the bird lovers group to talk about bird stuff. So I thought I would introduce myself to the members. I'm wynnesome, and I have an African Grey named Henry. Pictures in my profile. Cute picture with your bird on your head! Mine does that too, but he's kind of big for me to be comfortable with him up there for long!