If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, (even if we don't speak often) please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me.
It can be anything you want - good or bad - BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE.
When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised... Read More
You know who I bumped into the other day? Pepe! Can you believe it?? Well, we got to talking and he brought up the time we were in Sheboygan flicking sushi at the business men. We laughed and laughed. Sigh. Those were the days...
If you're going to blast music at 4am, blast non-shitty music.
Dear Beer Companies,
If you're going to make a beverage that makes people scream retarded expletives from their balcony, can you concoct a brew that makes them scream amusing ones?
Dear Cops,
Please come soon and find these fuckers to be underage and... Read More
you need to find the 'dear_____' thread in silliness boards.
but yeah 4 am is bullshit.
i'm lucky that the guy above me basically is always chill by 1 am and the guy next door is silent.
hope you get a big nap in today.
"i like to get 8 hours of sleep a day.......and about 10 at night" bill hicks
Oh, I see. Ah, so... how did the bird dip his tail under the computer keyboards?
It seems very complicated to have a bird. Still, the ones at the pet store here seem so pretty and happy that I'd be tempted to get one if I thought I could even begin to take care of it competently. Luckily for them, I know my limitations all too well.