today was possibly one of the best days of my life. . . nothing that great happened, but everything seems like it was supoosed to be.
i woke up next to someone i know, i don't remember what we talked about last night, but i know that we understand eachother.
he is also a fucking well-read retard with not much assurance at to what is going on.
neither of us wanted to get up, i had my arm around him, he held my hand to his beating mound of cells.
i've never kissed him on the mouth, and i see no point in starting a lie now.
this boy's sweet spot is right between his hipbone and his stomach, this is a very good thing to know, there are times when words don't want to come out.
the morning pure grey, i was listening to modest mouse, i don't know the title of the album, but is has dramamine on it, i rode my bike, a cigarette in one hand , a half-ripe peach in the other, life was what it was and i could not have hoped for more.
i woke up next to someone i know, i don't remember what we talked about last night, but i know that we understand eachother.
he is also a fucking well-read retard with not much assurance at to what is going on.
neither of us wanted to get up, i had my arm around him, he held my hand to his beating mound of cells.
i've never kissed him on the mouth, and i see no point in starting a lie now.
this boy's sweet spot is right between his hipbone and his stomach, this is a very good thing to know, there are times when words don't want to come out.
the morning pure grey, i was listening to modest mouse, i don't know the title of the album, but is has dramamine on it, i rode my bike, a cigarette in one hand , a half-ripe peach in the other, life was what it was and i could not have hoped for more.