i don't know who i am anymore
when i was younger
i thought i did
now i want to have never been
but remain never-the-less
sentimentality makes me sick
only because that is what my skin
is held together with
i need to get out of my head
out of this town
away from everyone i know
away from these people
that i always dissappoint
that i must want to hurt
based on every past experience. . .
everyone seems to have what happened figured out
but me
when i was younger
i thought i did
now i want to have never been
but remain never-the-less
sentimentality makes me sick
only because that is what my skin
is held together with
i need to get out of my head
out of this town
away from everyone i know
away from these people
that i always dissappoint
that i must want to hurt
based on every past experience. . .
everyone seems to have what happened figured out
but me